The Choir of Sourp Hagop Armenian Church was formed on March 11, 1959. At that time, the leaders of the spiritual life of the community, the "Executive Body", issued an invitation to Archdeacon Krikor Papazian asking him to form a choir. The choir was formed thanks to the efforts of Archdeacon Papazian. Archdeacon Krikor Hisarlian took over the leadership of the choir. In his capacity as the leader of the cantors, he was succeeded by the Archdeacon Arto Nshanian and the Archdeacon  Hagop Kasparian. Archdeacon Krikor Noubarian lent a great deal of help to the choirmasters and in the years when the choir was headed by Archdeacon  Kasparian and after the establishment of the choir leader’s function, Archdeacon Garo Telfeian joined Archdeacon  Noubarian to lend his support.


Mrs. Hasmig Kavassian, Mrs. Hasmik Injejikian and Mrs. Hasmik Gasparian served as choir conductors. At present, the choir is under the leadership of Mr. Sako Vatché Boyadjian and Dc. Goryoun Koyounian

Mrs. Anahid Markarian and Mrs. Sirvart Nishanian  were the organists of the choir. Subsequently, Mr. Sam Keoshgerian and Mrs. Mariette Nilian were assigned to the  same function. Now, Mr. Khachadour Ghazarian is the organist of the choir.